Park / Garden

2000 - 2004

 / サイン工事設計・監理)

2013年 長崎市景観賞 受賞
2006年度 土木学会デザイン賞優秀賞 受賞
2004年度 グッドデザイン賞 金賞受賞 /(財)日本産業デザイン振興会
クライアント :長崎県土木部臨海開発局
アドバイザー :
土木、橋梁   篠原修(長崎県アーバンデザイン会議副座長)
照明      石井幹子
建築      林一馬
都市デザイン  鈴木崇英
所在地    :長崎県長崎市
敷地面積   :水辺のプロムナード(1.33 ha)
        大地の広場(2.55 ha) 水の庭園(1.01 ha)

Nagasaki Seaside Park
Schematic & Final Design, Design Development
& Site Supervision / Sign Design & Site Supervision

Nagasaki Cityscape Award 2013
Japan Sciety of Civil Engineers Award 2006
Good Design Award 2004 GOLD PRIZE (JIDPO)
Client : Nagasaki Pref. Harbor Development Bureau
Producer : Shigeru Ito, Chairman of NUDC*
Advisers :
Civic Design & Bridge Design / Osamu Shinohara, Subchairman of NUDC
Lighting Design / Motoko Ishii, Advisor of NUDC
Motoko Ishii Lighting Design Inc.
Architecture Design / Kazuma Hayashi, Advisor of NUDC
Urban Design / Takahide Suzuki, Advisor of NUDC
Landscape Design / Ryoko Ueyama, Advisor of NUDC
Urban Design Consultant Inc.
Ryoko Ueyama Landscape Design Studio Co.,Ltd.
Location : Nagasaki-city, Nagasaki Pref.
Site Area : Canal Promenade(1.33 ha), Land Plaza(2.55 ha),
Aqua Garden(1.01 ha)
*NUDC - Nagasaki Urban Design Committee


2003年7月 水辺のプロムナード開園
2003年7月 水辺の公園レストラン オープン
2004年3月 グランドオープン

[ → 長崎県臨海開発局のHP ]

The whole area of Nagasaki Seaside park has been open since March 2004.
The park, located on the 6.5 ha reclaimed land jutting out into the Nagasaki Harbor, is crisscrossed with canals and rich in greenery.
With the view corridors to the Glover House, the Megami Bridge (to be completed in 2007), and the Hollander Slope, "Memory of Land" is interwoven in this whole park.
The 21st century's cultural seeds are metaphorically sown as the seeds of Japanese modernization were sown in Nagasaki in 19th century.
The northern part is "Land Plaza", wide open lawn facing the bay, with a gentle hill and a promising forest in the back. The southern part is "Aqua Garden", where spring water led from inland mountains is used for the artesian fountain and cascades down into the brackish-water area.

"Canal Promenade" opened in July 2003
The whole park opened in March 2004