
1987 - 1990


BCS賞 / 港区都市景観賞受賞
所在地 :東京都港区芝浦
敷地面積:2.9 ha(敷地) 2.0 ha(公開空地)

Shibaura Seavans Landscape
Schematic & Final Design, Design Development
& Site Supervision

BCS Award / Minatoku Urban Design Merit Award
Location : Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Site area : 2.9ha (Site area) / 2.0ha (Public open space)


The water theater, the metaphorical image of the canal is produced to refresh visitors and 4000 office workers who are engaged in architectural design and construction in every day life. (One of the two buildings is headquarters for Shimizu Corp. , general contractor.)